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Sunday 31 May 2009

Sweaty Lesbian Punishment Part 1

Emma was just 21 when she began working as a fitness instructor at her local gym and had only been there 18 months before she had become a manager, which often required her closing the gym in the evenings once everybody had left. One evening as she was at the front reception, a rather irate customer approached her complaining that the showers were not working. Emma of coarse told the girl that she would be along straight away to take a look. Upon entering the ladies showers she was confronted by about 11 rather cross looking naked girls, who happened to be a local cheer leading group who used the gym a couple of times a week for a good old group workout in order to keep their very well toned young bodies in top shape.All ladies seemed to start shouting at Emma at once, and she tried asking them to calm down as she walked across and started to tamper with first one then the next shower. It soon became obvious that she was not going to be able to rectify the situation and apologised to the ladies, ofering them a discount on their memberships which were soon due for renewal."Well that just is'nt good enough" said Abi, who was the group's leader and choreographer "We're meant to be going strainght around the pub for a couple of drinks straight after this gym session, and now we're all sweaty". "I'm sure we can sort something out ladies" Emma suggested, desperation now showing because her voice had gone from confident to clearly very shaky. It certainly was beginning to look as though she had a problem which she couldn't cope with, and to make matters worse the gym manager was on holiday all this week and she was totally in charge." So what the hell are you going to do about getting all this sweat from our bodies? asked Abi firmly, and who, if the truth be known, was actually enjoying seeing Emma squirm. Abi was well and truly into the BDSM scene, as were the remainder of the ladies, and by the way she had just spoken to Emma they all started to realise that Abi had a littlesomething planned for their new found plaything.All 11 ladies had by now begun to surround Emma who was by now quite worried. "You are going to have to clean us yourself" Said the very dark skinned Jamila, who squared up to Emma. "PPPlease don't hurt me" She pleaded. " I'll see if the taps work"She said as she desperately turned each. Not a drop appeared from either tap. Emma then felt many hands grab hold of her and somebody yanking down her tracksuit bottoms. "What are you doing? let me go" She commanded, but she was quickly knocked down a peg as Abi grabbed her by the throat. "Now listen here you bitch, your showers are broken, we have used your gym for which we pay a fortune, and now YOU are going to clean all of us"." Now get on your knees, I am sweaty and need cleaning,; you can start with my feet" Ordered Abi. "I can't" She cried which caused a slap to her head and a couple of girls to force her head down toward Abi who was now sat down naked upon a wooden bench. Emma, tears now streaming down her face crawled on her hands and knees towards Abi's feet, and bowing further forward as she came closer, she could smeel the awful aroma of feet that had done 1 1/2 hours of hard exercise. "Now get fucking licking" Ordered Abi. Reluctantly Emma extended her tongue which came into contact with the stinking feet. She started to livk Abi's feet, and as she did Abi let out a number of sighs, as she became more and more sexually aroused. All the other ladies very quickly became horny and began carressing not only themselves, but each other.Emma soon finished licking Abi's feet, with some pursuasion to lick the especially dirty areas such as between the toes. "Now that you have cleaned my feet, you can clean my other sweaty bits; you can start with my arm pits, now get up here" Abi instructed Emma, "And if you think my armpits are disgusting, wait till you get to lick my pussy and the crack of my filthy arse clean". "Urghhh, please, I can't do it" cried Emma in desparation. "You can and you will, in fact before tonight is through you shall lick 10 more pairs of feet, 22 armpits, 11 sets of ladies genitals and 11 arseholes, and believe me they are all very very sweaty and smelly, NOW GET FUCKING LICKING" Ordered the very sweaty, yet exceedingly vivacious Abi, with her long black hair, very neatly waxed Brazilian pussy, and very pert breasts; all in all a very sexy body, one which most men would give their right arm to spend a spot of quality time with.Getting on her hands and knees Abi stretched out one hand to grab a clump of Emma's hair, and pulled her with some resistance toward her rear end. "Now start licking me clean down there" she instructed. Emma started to gag slightly as the strong musky smell of sweat and pheremones from Abi's genitals and anus reached her nostrils; but she wasby now too scared to piss off Abi, and so, very reluctantly she pushed her tongue from her mouth and moved forwards, trying not inhale, until it came into contact with Abi's labia; Abi sighed as contact was made. Emma started to lap slowly at Abi's sweaty, smelly pussy, starting at the area surounding her clit, moving slowly upwards toward her back passage. When her tongue reached the vagina, she eased it inside and ran it around its rim, making certain to clean it as meticulaously as possible, thereby hopefully appealing to Abi's more humane side. She tried spending as much time as possible on Abi's vagina, because at the forefront of her mind was the dreadful knowledge of what was to come next.After a minute or two, Abi, having orgasmed due to Emma's cleansing tongue, instructed the slave that she needed to get a move on because time was getting on and said to her "now lick the crack of my arse clean, and you had better take your time with my smelly little bumhole because I want it spotless". Emma obyed and in one motion licked Abi from the entrance of her vagina upwards, over her anus to where the crack ended, then returned to Abi's puckered little bumhole. Emma was all the time very mindful that this was the most dreadful thing that she had ever been put through, her eyes were watering and she wanted to vomit. She prayed that at any moment she would awaken from this nightmare she found herself in. The anal area was particularly smelly, as one would expect, and Emma decided that to lick it clean as quickly as she could would reduce the suffering somewhat, so, in a frenzy she began first by inserting her tongue into the filthy hole, and in a spiral motion she withdrew her tongue, causing Abi to squeel as she was overcome by another powerful orgasm, and then concentrated on the external surface of Abi's pretty little bumhole. Very soon it was spotlessly clean and smelled just fine. "I think I've finished" she proclaimed, her eyes begging for mercy. Sadly, Emma was to get no mercy tonight, as she alone was to be forced to compensate eleven ladies for the fact that they were not able to take a shower following their long gym workout."Right ladies who is next?" asked Abi rather sternly. "me, me, me, I want to be next, no me please" came the replies from the other girls. "Now how are we going to solve this?" asked Abi; "I know, stand in a row; she can do this like a production line, now raise your arms high" instructed Abi, and in a row there stood 10 naked girls with their arms raised, sweaty armpits exposed.

Monday 4 May 2009


Billie awoke with a start, recollections of the last night flooding back to her. She'd probably only managed to get about two or three hours sleep, and had spent most of the night tossing and turning, worrying about her relationship with Sam, her current girlfriend. "Oh shit" she whispered to herself. She was beginning to wish that it had all been a bad dream, that she hadn't decided to act like a slut last night, causing her to bring Belinda back to the flat with her. She was remembering that Sam had last night instructed that she was to perform the same service on Belinda this morning that she had performed on Sam, and she was feeling terrified and a little sick in the stomach, for she knew that what she had done with Sam, her lover, and she certainly would not be able to perform something so vile on a stranger. "Perhaps Sam will have changed her mind" she hoped and prayed, and more importantly, she hoped that Sam will have forgiven her for her cheating. Billie just lay there on the couch feeling realy sorry for herself for what semed like an eternity. She hoped that Sam and Belinda would remain asleep for the remainder of the day, although in her heart of hearts she knew what fate was soon to befall her, and she utterly dreaded it.

And then she heard the main bedroom door creak, and she knew that Sam had woken from her slumber. And then she heard sam open the spare room door and shouted in at Belinda, ordering her to get up and have a wash, and then the words she realy dreaded "Don't you dare go to the toilet". Sam walked through into the lounge where Billie was still laid under the covers of a quilt "well, well, well what has today got in store for you then", "today is the day we discover just how much this relationship means to you, and whether or not I am going to forgive you; I suggest you get up and have a quick wash, Belinda has just finished in the bathroom" Sam told Billie.

As Billie walked into the bathroom she was very conscious of just how disgusting her mouth felt, even after brushing her teeth and mouth washing last night. She finished having a wash and tried to compose herself to stop herself from shaking. She knew what she was expected to do, she didn't need telling, and slowly, dragging her feet she made her way into the bedroom where Sam and Belinda were waiting for her. Both Belinda and Sam were there totally naked as she entered the bedroom. "So, how badly do you need to poo?" Sam asked Belinda. "I need it bad, please, you don't have to do this, please let me go home" Belinda pleaded with Sam, which caused Sam to slap her very hard straight across the face. "You will do as I fuck ing ask, or it'll be you at the receiving end, not Billie" Sam shouted into her face. And then, turning to her lover, shoted "Now get on your fucking back Billie, and lick Belinda's arse". Billie very quickly lay on her back and Belinda squatted over her Billie's head. Her head was swimming with fear, disgust and deap dread for what was about to happen. She extended her tongue to meet the dirty puckered bumhole which she thought smelled even dirtier than it had last night. Again she had to fight back the urge to gag.

After what seemed like an eternity of anal licking, Sam said to Belinda "I want you to shit now", and ordered Billie to open her mouth wide, and warned her that if she dared to gag or puke, that it would be over between them. Tears began streaming down billies face as she fought the gag reflex. Belinda strained had, urine starting to squirt from her pussy, showering Billies face, as her pelvic muscles relaxed. She farted loudly straight into Billies mouth and Billie could smell the awful foul stench, similar to rotting cabbages coming from the depths of the bowels of the girl she had last night lusted over, but for whom she now felt nothing but disgust.

To be continued come back soon!!!!!

Sunday 3 May 2009


"Oh my God" Billie said, suddenly aware that the bedroom light had just been turned on, and leaving the pussy she had just been licking to be confronted at the bedroom door by Samantha, her lesbian girlfriend of three years, and she certainly did not look happy. "It's not what you think" she said, realising how pathetic she must sound, for she had just been slurping away at the genitals of a realy sexy 19 year old blonde she had picked up at a nightclub. "I can explain" Billie said, whimpering. She realy was in love with Sam, and right now she was wishing that this was all a bad dream; but it wasn't, and she knew that right now.

"I had better leave" said Belinda, the subject of the current tiff between the very hurt and angry Sam and Billie. "You can stay right there missy" Said Sam very threateningly, and Sam definitely wasn't one to mess with as she was well known for being quite tasty with her fists, and had in fact just returned from a martial arts tournament in which she had competed.

"I guess by now you are wandering what I'm doing home early?", "Well, I decided not to stay over after the tournament as planned because I thought I would surprise you", "Well, I have certainly done that, haven't I Billie???". Again belinda said "I realy think I ought to go home", to which Sam replied "Shut the fuck up you whore, or I shall rearrange that pretty little face of your's for you".

"Don't fucking start getting dressed you pair of tarts, I haven't finished yet" ordered Sam, causing both girls to sit vulverably, cross legged and naked on the edge of the bed.

"Please Sam, I'm realy sorry, PLEASE, I love you, I didn't mean this to happen, Please forgive me" Billie started to beg, "I'll do anything, ANYTHING to make things right between us again".

"So you'll do anything to keep me will you???" asked Sam beligerently.

"Yes, ANYTHING, just please promise that this doesn't mean the end for you and me" Came Billie's reply.

"So, what has she got that I haven't?" Asked Sam to Billie, "Let me see you, stand up bitch" Sam ordered pointing at Belinda.

Belinda reluctantly stood up, still cross legged, and cross armed, covering her very sexy pert breasts. She was very slim, about a dress size six and standing around the 5 foot 8 inch mark, with shoulder length dark, almost black hair and a neatly trimmed little pussy and very well toned body.

Sam ordered her to turn around so that she could better see her body, and then she told her to bend over afcing away from her, which she reluctantly did. Although Sam was quite pissed off with Billie, as well as a bit hurt, she knew that Billie loved her, but this evening she decided that she would discover just how much Billie loved her, and she knew exactly how she was going to find out.

Sam then ordered Billie to kneel behind Belinda and told her to hld her hips, to which Billie asked what Sam intended doing. "I'm going to find out just how much you actually love me, now lick her arse. "What???", asked Billie, sounding a little shocked. "You heard me" shouted Sam angrily back at Billie, "Now lick her arse", and you stay where you are, in fact get on your hands and knees" Sam commanded Belinda, to which she quickly reacted by assuming the position as instructed.

Billie licked one buttock then the other. "Not there!!!!!" Screamed Sam at Billie "Lick her dirty bumhole, lick it clean", "you said you would do anything for me, so prove it, lick her where her fucking shit comes out of".

Billie had to stop herself from gagging as she moved her mouth closer, she could smell the very faint aroma of her earlier lover's arse, and could see the puckered little hole come closer and closer into view. She extended her tongue and licked the disgusting thing. She felt disgusted with herself, but at the same time she didn't want to lose Sam. Hopefully after this Sam will realise just how sorry she is and forgive her. She looked up at sam who was by now sat on the bed, and to her surprise was completely naked. She also noticed as she looked up and over Belindas bottom that Sam was now sitting legs either side of Belinda's head, and was shifting her pussy closer and closer to her.

"Now stick your tongue inside, let me see it go in" Said Sam. "I Can't do that, I'll be sick, please not that" Billie pleaded, but she was to get no mercy tonight!!!!. Sam moved even closer to Belinda's head, and grabbing a handful of her hair she pulled her face toward her vagina; Belinda was left with no doubt as to what Sam wished her to do, and besides, she was actually feeling very aroused, especially with the sexy redhead Billie's tongue inside her ass. She gently started to orally stimulate Sam causing her to groan with pleasure, and she savoured the strong sweaty smell and the taste of a pussy that was in need of a shower, due to Sam having droiven a few hours from London. Sam still hadn't forgotten her mission, which was to humiliate Billie, just like she had felt humiliation when she had returned home to find her lover's face burried between the legs of another woman. Very soon Belinda's experienced tongue had caused Sam to have first one then another explosive orgasm.

Lust made Sam even more determined to carry out the humiliation upon Billie, and in some ways she was quite pleased that tonight had happened, because now she had an oportunity to make it happen.

"I need to take a poop" Sam suddenly said, much to the surprise of the two other girls. "But don't worry, I'm not going anywhere...........BILLIE". Sam said, at the same time getting on her tummy, opening her legs just slightly, and grabbing a couple of pillows placing them under her in order that her sexy bottom stuck up in the air. "Well Billie, now I shall get to see just how much you REALY love me, like I said, I need to poop, and I want you eat it, caught cheating, now GET EATING" She commanded in a domineering voice. "Belinda get that whore over to my ass NOW!!!, or it will be you, I promise you". Belinda didn't need to be told twice, and, grabbing both of Billie's wrists she dragged her across to Sam, between her legs, and began to push her face towards Sam's arse. "Please don't make me do this, I'll do anything else you ask" Begged Billie, but Sam ignored her pleas and started to tense those muscles needed to expell faecal body waste. Billies face was very close to Sam's bumhole and she got a face full of well fermented gas as Sam let out a fart, as she strained to shit, and ordered Billie to smell her. Billie was then instructed to open her mouth and was warned that she had better eat, and that she had better enjoy that which she recieved or else it was over. Billie knew then that whatever happened she would treat what she received like something sent from heaven, because after all, she worshiped Sam's body, and, how could anything that comes from something so beautiful be dirty.

Sam's anus began to stretch and Billie placed her lips close to it, ready to receive her lover's most exquisite gift. Suddenly there appeared the tip of a brown hard object that glistened slightly in the light and slowly advanced from it's warm haven. Billie, being a medical student knew that the fetid mass that had started to protrude from her lover's wide open anus, now stretched to almost resemble a mini donut, was medically classified as type 3 faeces on the "Bristol Stool Chart" that is to say, like a sausage but with cracks on its surface. The stench was very strong, but, strangely and to her surprise she did not feel disgust for what she could see and smell, instead feeling a deep attraction unlike anything she had ever felt before. She wanted not only to smell the dirt but she wanted to taste it. Opening her mouth she enclosed her lips around it and allowed it to completely fill her mouth. She began to chew it and allowed her saliva to start to disolve it, It tasted realy bitter, but she loved it and she savoured and swallowed and did the same as yet more filled her mouth. After a couple of minutes Sam pushed Billie away indicating that she had finished. "Now do you see how much I love you?" Billie asked in desperation. "Not just yet" Said Sam, and, turning to Belinda, she asked "Belinda, do you need a shit now?".

Billie looked utterly horrified as Belinda replied that she did not, and Sam instructed that she was required to provide the service in the morning, and then instructed her to go to the fridge and get some bananas to eat in order to get things moving in readiness.

That night Billie barely slept a wink and eventually cried herself to sleep. Eating the shit of somebody she loved was one thing, but to be forced to endure the humiliation of eating the poop of a stranger was another.

This is not the end of this story!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 26 April 2009

Pub Cellar Lesbians

This is a story about a Sam, the 27 year old pub landlord's wife, and her recent encounter with the newest addition to the pub staff, Helena, a half Greek, very sexy black haired babe with nice pert breasts and aged just 19 years old. One Saturday evening after a perticularly busy evening mainly due to understaffing as well as Steve the Landlord being away, Sam had asked Helena if she wouldn't mind with sorting the pub out once all the punters had left. and Helena had agreed, but Sam first recommended that they both have a nightcap and suggested that because of the time Helena stay the evening in the spare room.

Sam poured two large glasses of wine and offered one to Helena, which she accepted. Both ladies then sat down and relaxed. They both just sat for a while exhausted and sipping at the wine. Helena commented that the wine was realy nice, to which Sam commented that she had opened one of their better wines. Very soon both settled and relaxed in each other's presence and they soon got to chatting. They talked for ages, about relationships, holidays and even about men, in fact as the two got more and more intoxicated the chat became more and more raunchy. Sam noticed that Helena twisted her neck from side to side every so often whilst rubbing her shoulder, and concerned, Sam enquired whether she was okay. "I'm fine" she slurred slightly, "just a bit stiff, it's been a long day". "Well hows about a nice relaxing massage?" Sam whispered, maneauvering closer to Helena.

Sam began gently to kneed Helena's shoulders and around her neck. Helena whispered that it felt realy nice and relaxing an let out a sign. Sam, started moving closer to Helena so that she would be certain that Helena could feel her by now fully engorged nipples. It was no coincidence that Sam was now making a move on Helena because she had secretly fancied her for ages. Sam had now started to cause her massaging to become more and more sensual, concentrating on Helenas neck and just behind her ears.

Helena didn't know what was happening to her, she wandered if it was the wine, she tried to fight these feelings she was beginning to get, she could feel herself throbbing between her legs as her pussy became engorged. She knew that by now she would be getting wet between her legs; God she was feeling so horny, and toward another woman. She had never before felt attracted to a girl, but tonight she just wanted to fuck and she didn't care what sex she was to fuck. She suddenly felt Sam's breath close to her neck and her nose rubbed against one of her ears. She nearly exploded; turning around she met her friends gaze, and like a powerful magnet the two ladies lips were drawn together. Sucking tongues and grabbing at each others asses they were suddenly in a lust filled frenzy, tearing at each others clothing. Rubbing and sucking very hard nipples.

Within a few seconds they were both completely naked. Helena's your firm body laying across one of the pub seats and Sam commenced licking and kissing Helena from her lips, eyelids then moved downwads towards Helena's well trimmed sweet moist little pussy. Helena shuddered with ecstasy as Sam first licked and sucked at Helena's nipples and then commenced to lick down her tummy toward that special place. Sam admired Helena's little pussy for a few moments before slowny and gently advancing her tongue toward her clit. Helena squeeled with delight. She had recieved oral sex from a few men, but none compared with what she was now feeling. It felt so very very wrong to be having her genitals licked by a woman, but it was so extremely nice she had a massive orgasm, causing her entire body to convulse within a few seconds of Sam starting to lick her. "I want to do the same for you" Helena said with some desperation to Sam. "Okay, but over here" said Sam, standing up holding out her hand to Helena. Helping Helena to stand up she led her across to the bar and started to climb onto the bar which she sat upon and opened he legs whilst provocatively winking at Helena. She had not so much as kissed another girl before tonight and was very worried that she would not be able to satisfy Sam, but she reasured herself that she knew what she herself liked, so decided that she would imitate what she knew she herself enjoyed. She also decided that she was going to give Sam a dirty little treat which she figured she would not be expecting. Sam being very flexible due to regularly practicing yoga by now had her legs wide open displaying everything. Helena moved toward her friend, and she could feel herself shaking through a combination of excitement and fear. As she moved nearer she could smell the womanly aroma of her lover's pussy and arsehole, and it filled her with lust. She extended her tongue and at the last second as Sam closed her eyes in anticipation, Helenas tongue darted towards and gently licked her friend's bumhole. "OH MY GOD" panted Sam, which prompted Helena to lick around the little puckered hole a few seconds longer before moving up to the genital region, which she eagerly sucked and licked. She concentrated for some time on the clitoris causing Sam's Pussy juice to gush out onto the bar surface. Suddenly Sam stood up on the bar, causing Helena to suddenly wonder if she had done something wrong. "Don't worry sexy, I just need something hard inside me" said Sam reasuringly.

Sam moved until she was stood over on of the bar pumps, and started to straddle the pump, gently allowing herself to be penetrated by the bulbous ceramic handle. Helena lubricated Sam's puckered little bumhole with her tongue, causing her to moan in pleasure and bite her lower lip, before gently inserting her middle finger, wet with saliva into Sam's back passage. Sam started to slowly fuck the pump handle, bobbing up and down, and Helena could see her juices start running down the lower chrome part of the pump, which she eagerly started to lick. Moving her tongue up the chrome then ceramic Helena's tongue came into contact with the well stretched mucous membrane of Sam's vagina every time Sam rose up, and which she hungrilly licked every time it came into view.

That night not lot of cleaning took place, in fact the pub didn't open at all the next day, I wonder why?????

Piss drinking girly fun

Justine and Emma have been lovers for a week now and, being extremely broadminded girls the sex they have with each other seems to be getting dirtier and dirtier as the days go by, and they just can't seem to get enough of each others' luscious bodies. Not content with being dirty the girls are keen to get filthier and filthier and both openly admit that there is nothing thy'll no do to each other's bodies. One evening recently after a couple of hours of dirty gutter sex with each other, Emma suggested that they surf the net to get some sex ideas, and said with a giggle that she had overheard one of the girls at work confess at a recent works party that her boyfriend enjoyed her peeing on him. "I'm going to get the laptop" said Justine excitedly, planting a kiss on one of her lover's nipples. As she jogged toward the bedroom door, Emma watched Justines' sexy bottom, the very bottom she had been rimming no more than an hour ago, and she again felt the familiar throbbing between her legs as her genitals became engorged with blood, as she became sexually aroused once more. Within a minute Justine was beside Emma once more, the laptop power supply plugged, computer on and online. Justine sat crossed legged in front of the computer and Emma sat behind her, her slender legs either side of the very sexy, raven haired Justine. She commenced kissing Justine's neck and ears as she tapped the top of the screen, wonderng where they should commence the search. "Enter pissing under images" suggested Emma excitedly.Within a few seconds the screen flashed and a page full of thumbnails appeared featuring a number of small images and links to a selection of websites. Double clicking on the first image they were faced with an image in a blog, of a group of three very sexy blonde ladies in a circle pssing inwards, mouths open with the golden streams visibly enering each others mouths. "Oh my God" Emma and Justine seemed to say in unison, yet remained fixated on the screen for a while, taking in the image. Justine noticed that Emma had begun gently teasing her nipples from behind, and at once realised that she did not need to ask if Emma was turned on by what they were looking at, as she herself was. "You need a pee Em?" asked Justine suggestively. "A bit, you?", "I think I could manage it but you go first though, I fancy drinking from you".Like a cat walking to a bowl of cream, Justine, on her hands and knees, butt cheeks swaying provocatively, crawled slowly up the bed and lay flat on her back, toying with her hair as she seductively looked into Emmas eyes whilst licking her lips. She didn't know what to expect, and wondered what her friend's wee would taste like, but whatever it tasted of, one thing she knew for sure; it was going to taste of heaven.Emma started to straddle her friend, but Justine stopped her with her hand and said "No, not that way, I want to look into your eyes when you do it". Emma was realy nervous and found it rather difficult to get her body to urinate, but Justine suddenly said "I love you Emma", and Emma was immediately filled with a trust for her lover, and felt that she could do anything for her, and what's more, she would allow her friend to do ANYTHING to her, and she wanted Justine to do what she was about to do to her, and more still. Emma's muscles tensed once more and she felt herself relax, as much as she did when she was sat on a toilet about to have a pee. With one more push the golden yellow stream left her body to enter Justine's by now eagerly waiting wide open mouth.Justine clamped her mouth forming a seal around Emmas's external genitalia and eagerly drank the warm almost salty fluid. She was by now so turned on and sucking so hard, causing blood to surge into Emma's clitoris and labia, it caused Emma to convulse in orgasm as she released the final gush which was eagerly swallowed by Justine."My God that was HORNY!" Said Justine, "Oh my God".No words were necessary, as soon as Emma's orgasm had subsided she took her rightly position like a throne awaiting it's Queen, and awaited her heavenly drink.

Butthole Lezzie Fun

This is a story told by a friend of my wife and I last week over a bottle of Bacardi, and which my wife later kindly shared with me; Justine has been a friend my wife Julie and I for some years now and since her recent divorce from her marriage of 7 years she has certainly been quite outgoing. Like I said they have been friends for some years and are quite open with each othe, able to discuss anything with each other. This particular evening as the alcohol had been flowing for some time the conversation invariably progressed to sex, and in particular the sexual prowess of past and present lovers.Justine confessed to her that she'd recently had a lesbian experience with another mutual friend and that it had been one of the most erotic experiences she had ever had. She had said to Julie "Don't be shocked but we" "I'm a bit embarrased" Justine hesitated."Come on spit it out" urged Julie "there's not a lot that will shock shock me"."We uhmm, licked each other down below, you know what I mean" whispered Justine"."You mean you licked each other's pussies""Yes, but a bit more, you know, further round""Noooo" exclaimed Julie "you mean you licked each other's bumholes?"Justine, blushing scarlet, answered that they had."are you shocked?" asked Justine."A little, but was it nice?" answered Julie."Oh my God!!! was it!!!" she replied, Justine began to tell Julie how it had all happened..............Justine and her friend Emma, both 30 years old, having been best friends since school had been whiling away a Thursday evening over a bottle of wine; as is usual in our circle of friends, the subject of sex was soon at the table. Emma began telling Justine about her current boyfriends' fetish involving orally stimulating her asshole, and she began telling Justine about how very erotic she found it, and how she always reached orgasm without even a need to touch her pussy. As Emma began giving an in depth description about how it felt, the ticklish feeling, how dirty she always felt letting him do it, Justine started to suddenly start feeling a little sexually aroused, and to her dismay started looking at her friend in a different light. All of a sudden she started to wander what it would feel like having Emma lick her ass, and worse still, she was imagining herself doing the same to her.How could she make it happen. Too late Emma' eyes suddenly met hers, and realising how Justine had been looking at her suddenly pounced on Emma grinding her mouth into hers, toungue piercing between her open welcoming lips. After a couple of minutes of lustful tongue sucking Justine shouted out in desperation "please let me eat your bumhole, I want to lick it so badly".Emma did no have to be asked twice, and in a moment she had torn off her dress, as Justine did the same, both displaying their totally naked well toned sexy bodies to each other. They kissed again passionatley all the time caressing each others bottoms and breasts, and Emma started to maneauvre herself into a position on the couch were Justine could easily access that forbidden dirty place.Justice eagerly eyed what she had been lusting over for the last few minutes and could feel herself becoming more and more aroused. As she did so a number of thoughts went though her mind, "would Emma enjoy it?", "would she enjoy it?", "and of course, "would it be smelly and make her feel sick?". She did not care though, her lust was that intense, and she moved forward grasping Emma's buttocks, carressing them and moving them apart so that she could better see what she wanted and lusted over.Tensing her muscles and pushing, Emma caused her well practiced anus to take on the appearance of a small mini donut which Justine eyed lustilly before taking the swolen opening into her hungry mouth and, in circular motions caressed the outer edge of the dirty hole, every now and then moving her tongue to the opening in the middle and eased it inside about 3 inches making it flicker up and down and causing Emma to squeel with pure delight. Periodically she concentrated on the area around the anus thinly covered with blonde hairs and Emmas' clit which was now fully engorged and very swollen, causing her to expolde in orgasm followed by orgasm."Stop, Stop, I can't take anymore" proclaimed Emma, "my turn to pleasure you in the same way", "but please realise I have only ever recieved, never given" she said, concerned that she would not be able to give her lover the same pleasure.Justine got onto her elbows and knees and pushed her bottom in the air for her friend, and Emma with some trepidation kneeled between Justine's feet. Planting small kisses first on Justines buttocks, and feeling pleasure, she swung her raven hair from side to side whilst letting out a moan. "I hope I'm clean for you down there" Justine said. "I don't care if you are'nt, I would lick you if you had'nt showered. In an instant Justine felt a tongue come in contact with Emma's bumhole and her entire body quivered with pleasure. She could smell the musky feminine aroma permeating from between her friend's legs and asshole; it made her head swim with uncontrollable desire. Emma found herself hungrily sucking and licking at Justines naughty bits first her anus then her vagina and clit and then back to her puckered little dirt hole. Within a matter of minutes Justine had collapsed in the throes of a massive orgasm and they both grabbed hold of each other and kissed passionately for the remainder of the evening, making love again and again all night long.As Justine fell asleep she was shocked at her own behaviour, disgusted with herself yet excited that she had licked another woman's bumhole and enjoyed it so very much...............................................

Girl Girl Ass Play with Object Insertion