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Monday 4 May 2009


Billie awoke with a start, recollections of the last night flooding back to her. She'd probably only managed to get about two or three hours sleep, and had spent most of the night tossing and turning, worrying about her relationship with Sam, her current girlfriend. "Oh shit" she whispered to herself. She was beginning to wish that it had all been a bad dream, that she hadn't decided to act like a slut last night, causing her to bring Belinda back to the flat with her. She was remembering that Sam had last night instructed that she was to perform the same service on Belinda this morning that she had performed on Sam, and she was feeling terrified and a little sick in the stomach, for she knew that what she had done with Sam, her lover, and she certainly would not be able to perform something so vile on a stranger. "Perhaps Sam will have changed her mind" she hoped and prayed, and more importantly, she hoped that Sam will have forgiven her for her cheating. Billie just lay there on the couch feeling realy sorry for herself for what semed like an eternity. She hoped that Sam and Belinda would remain asleep for the remainder of the day, although in her heart of hearts she knew what fate was soon to befall her, and she utterly dreaded it.

And then she heard the main bedroom door creak, and she knew that Sam had woken from her slumber. And then she heard sam open the spare room door and shouted in at Belinda, ordering her to get up and have a wash, and then the words she realy dreaded "Don't you dare go to the toilet". Sam walked through into the lounge where Billie was still laid under the covers of a quilt "well, well, well what has today got in store for you then", "today is the day we discover just how much this relationship means to you, and whether or not I am going to forgive you; I suggest you get up and have a quick wash, Belinda has just finished in the bathroom" Sam told Billie.

As Billie walked into the bathroom she was very conscious of just how disgusting her mouth felt, even after brushing her teeth and mouth washing last night. She finished having a wash and tried to compose herself to stop herself from shaking. She knew what she was expected to do, she didn't need telling, and slowly, dragging her feet she made her way into the bedroom where Sam and Belinda were waiting for her. Both Belinda and Sam were there totally naked as she entered the bedroom. "So, how badly do you need to poo?" Sam asked Belinda. "I need it bad, please, you don't have to do this, please let me go home" Belinda pleaded with Sam, which caused Sam to slap her very hard straight across the face. "You will do as I fuck ing ask, or it'll be you at the receiving end, not Billie" Sam shouted into her face. And then, turning to her lover, shoted "Now get on your fucking back Billie, and lick Belinda's arse". Billie very quickly lay on her back and Belinda squatted over her Billie's head. Her head was swimming with fear, disgust and deap dread for what was about to happen. She extended her tongue to meet the dirty puckered bumhole which she thought smelled even dirtier than it had last night. Again she had to fight back the urge to gag.

After what seemed like an eternity of anal licking, Sam said to Belinda "I want you to shit now", and ordered Billie to open her mouth wide, and warned her that if she dared to gag or puke, that it would be over between them. Tears began streaming down billies face as she fought the gag reflex. Belinda strained had, urine starting to squirt from her pussy, showering Billies face, as her pelvic muscles relaxed. She farted loudly straight into Billies mouth and Billie could smell the awful foul stench, similar to rotting cabbages coming from the depths of the bowels of the girl she had last night lusted over, but for whom she now felt nothing but disgust.

To be continued come back soon!!!!!

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